Six 45 Minute Golf Lessons


Private Golf

Lessons with PGA Professional, Kirk Porter

One 45 Minute Lesson: $75.00
Review your grip, stance, posture, and full-swing analysis. Discuss drills, shot direction, and swing specifics.

Series of Three Lessons: $195.00
Review your grip, stance, posture, and full-swing analysis. Discuss drills, shot direction, and swing specifics with irons, hybrids, and woods. Exercise chipping, pitching, and putting on the Putting Green. Examine course management and develop a practice schedule.

Series of Six Lessons: $350.00
Comprehensive approach to gain improvement with review of each club and shot performance.

If 2 People Take a Lesson Together, Add $30 to Each Lesson.

We Suggest One Lesson per Week or One Lesson Every Other Week. This Allows Time to Practice and Come Back with Questions. Please Call to Schedule Your Appointment.

Warrenton Golf Course – 24799 South Hwy 47, Warrenton, MO 63383
(636) 456-8726 – –
